Get group members of large groups via Powershell
I have always been aware that getting the group membership of large groups has been a challenge and have always managed to avoid addressing the issue. (Is that what we call the 'Too Hard' pile???) Well, I have had a reason to find this out again, but this time I have Powershell to help me out!
Why is this such an issue I hear you ask...this link expalins why. In a nut shell, you will only every return a maximum of 1500 members for a group, 1000 if you are querying Windows 2000.
I cannot take any credit for the soulution, I can only pass on a now ancient (in poweshell terms that is) Monad link to how to enumerate all the members of a group from /\/\o\/\/. As you will see, this link refers to Monad, the pre-release name for powershell. Please follow the link above or more from /\/\o\/\/ can be found at
meanwhile, I have added my own comments to his script below...
I have always been aware that getting the group membership of large groups has been a challenge and have always managed to avoid addressing the issue. (Is that what we call the 'Too Hard' pile???) Well, I have had a reason to find this out again, but this time I have Powershell to help me out!
Why is this such an issue I hear you ask...this link expalins why. In a nut shell, you will only every return a maximum of 1500 members for a group, 1000 if you are querying Windows 2000.
I cannot take any credit for the soulution, I can only pass on a now ancient (in poweshell terms that is) Monad link to how to enumerate all the members of a group from /\/\o\/\/. As you will see, this link refers to Monad, the pre-release name for powershell. Please follow the link above or more from /\/\o\/\/ can be found at
meanwhile, I have added my own comments to his script below...
#get the group
$group = [adsi]("LDAP://CN=groupname,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com")
#set the inital from value
$from = 0
#escape trigger when the $ds.findall() errors
$all = $false
#array for the members of the group
$members = @()
while (! $all) {
#catch an error and set all to $true to escape
trap{$script:all = $True;continue}
#top end of the range so initally 0-999. a Range of 1000 is used to make sure it works on all versions of AD
$to = $from + 999
#Query the group object for members using "member;range=$from-$to" to just return the range of objects for this pass.
#This will generate an error with an invalid range
$DS = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($Group,"(objectClass=*)","member;range=$from-$to",'Base')
#as the variable name for the group name is not member, but member;range=0-999 etc, the $_.PropertyNames -like 'member;*' catches all instances
$members += $ds.findall() | foreach {$ | foreach {$_.item($_.PropertyNames -like 'member;*')}}
#set up the next search range
$from += 1000
#dislay the count
$members | measure-object
#dislay the member list
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