Add-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy This cmdlet is there to manage the Password Replication Policy for RODC's. A handy tool as without the AD management pack, you can only do this at the command line with repadmin! Example usage Add-ADDomainControllerPasswordReplicationPolicy -identity $RODC -AllowedList $group Define the parameters Both identity and AllowedList (also, DeniedList) take a range of identifiers for the object. These include "Distinguished Name", "GUID", "SID", and "samaccountname". As all the cmdlets have been designed for interoperability, I find it best to use output from other commands like get-aduser or in the case below, Get-ADDomainController. In a script In this script, I get every RODC, and firestly build a list of group names from the first 6 characters of the RODC name. I then get the allowed list from the RODC and check my built list against the PRP entries. For any that are not already memb...