I’ve just had a look at how to use the ad recycle bin... and guess what, you need PowerShell to use it! Once you are running at R2 forest functional level, you need to enable the recycle bin... Get-ADOptionalFeature -filter {name -eq "Recycle Bin Feature"}} | Enable-ADOptionalFeature -scope ForestOrConfigurationSet Once that is done, you can delete an object safe in the knowledge that it will be available for full restore. so, how do we restore it? get-adobject -filter {displayname -eq "Adam Stone"} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Restore-ADObject -TargetPath "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com" It's not the way I imagined the feature will be implemented, but an improvement on the previous restore process. Look out for a future post building this into a function!
Powershell for Active Directory